In the contemporary marketplace, perceptions about corporations and their products are framed by multiple sources of information. Shifts in media access and consumption, the multiplication of marketing, and corporate messages, along with the demand for more corporate responsibility, have pushed strategic communication into a new paradigm. Today, different interest groups are continuously shaping brand perception and corporate reputations. The various publics are no longer passive receivers of corporate messages. They want to participate in their favourite brands and companies and expect more attention, feedback, and information. To be effective, communication strategies must be planned to develop dialogue within the organisation and with different groups of stakeholders and publics. Each stakeholder group requires focused and continuous attention; it is an organisational imperative to nurture this relationship.
These observations sum up the general theme of the Organisational and Strategic Communication Section (OSCS) Workshop of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA): ‘The Dialogue Imperative: Trends and challenges in strategic and organisational communication’.
The workshop was hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Letters and organised by the Laboratory of Online Communication (LabCom), at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, on 5 and 6 May 2011. About 30 participants from Finland, Germany, Romania, Scotland, Spain, and Portugal took part in the event, promoting rich and inspiring debates. The workshop aimed to analyse how contemporary developments in strategic and organisational communication theory contribute to understanding the dialogic paradigm. Special attention was paid both to theoretical approaches to dialogue and to the new tendencies in strategic and organisational communication by looking at campaigns, instruments, and messages that promote dialogue with different publics.
With the collected articles on this volume, we attempt to keep alive the debate initiated in those two-day get-togethers. The book is divided into four main parts. The first part, Theoretical Approaches on Dialogue, features articles written by Jordi Xifra, Rui Sampaio da Silva, Gisela Gonçalves, and Laura Olkonnen. Jordi Xifra proposes that public relations is, ‘the engineering of commitment’ by analysing the existing relationship between the management of internal communication and identity and values. Jürgen Habermas is at the centre of both texts from Rui Sampaio da Silva and Gisela Gonçalves.
The Dialogue Imperative
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